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Health trouble for Hillary, but will not for Chunpeng PC strand

publisherAllen Zhang


On September 9, democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the September 11 memorial activities when sudden feeling unwell, leave in a hurry.She helped to ride in three aides, midway nearly in the side of the road trip, then being helped get on the bus to leave.

On September 9, democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the September 11 memorial activities when sudden feeling unwell, leave in a hurry.She helped to ride in three aides, midway nearly in the side of the road trip, then being helped get on the bus to leave. 

A few hours later, her campaign announced she had pneumonia, are advised to rest at home.

Currently, the U.S. presidential election has entered the white-hot stage, and to the health of the door incident harder on the road to Mrs Clinton's campaign.

Despite her rival, republican candidate Donald trump is often make mistakes, but two people's approval ratings are still very close, but many americans think Hillary Clinton have integrity problems, not to be trusted.

Now, the U.S. presidential candidates faced with another question: whether her physical condition is suitable for running.

In 2012, Hillary Clinton fall concussion in the home, later also led to a temporary diplopia, formation of blood clots in the brain.

Trump popularize its supporters in the near future has been bring up Hillary Clinton condition of concussion, questioned her physical condition.

They are not the only pay close attention to Hillary Clinton, health side.

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